Frequent Questions

Frequent Questions

What is the History of Reflexology?

The principle behind Reflexology is not new – evidence dates back to the ancient Egyptians, Indians and Chinese circa 2,400 years BC.

However, the beginnings of what we know today as Reflexology was initiated at the turn of the 20th Century as Zone Therapy and developed further in the 1930’s by Eunice Ingham and is the basis of Reflexology practised in Western cultures today.

What does a session involve?

On the first visit, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to determine your present and past health and lifestyle. I will also explain a little more about Reflexology.

You will need to remove any footwear and socks so that I can examine your feet and you will then recline either on a Reflexology table or chair.

The session consists of relaxers involving hand movements to loosen the feet and ankles then Reflexology techniques using my fingers over the feet, paying particular attention to the areas where congestion or discomfort is found.

What does Reflexology feel like? Does it hurt?

Many clients find the sessions very relaxing; however, where congestion is present in the body a client may feel an uncomfortable sensation or pain in the feet. As a practitioner I aim to work with the client applying appropriate pressure.

How long does a session last?

Depending on the client’s age or requirements a Reflexology session will take between 20 – 50 minutes except VRT which is 5-10 minutes.

How will I feel afterwards?

Many clients report a feeling of greater well-being, some feel like they are “walking on clouds”, other feel energised, invigorated or relaxed.

How many sessions will I need?

It is not realistic to expect that problems that have developed over many years to be solved in one session. Everyone is individual and some people respond to Reflexology more quickly than others. Most people notice some difference after one session; however the real benefits of Reflexology for clients generally come through between 4 – 6 sessions.

My feet are very ticklish?

I am yet to find someone who found Reflexology ticklish!

How much does it cost?

Please refer to FEES page.

How do I book an appointment?

I’m often with clients during the day so my phone will be turned to silent, so please leave a message by either texting or phoning and I will return your call as soon as possible. See HOME page for contact details..

Many clients prefer to book from one appointment to the next.